INSTOCK stockings are a premium item, so we want you to have a premium experience. While our hosiery is of the highest quality, the nature of stockings is extremely delicate. That's why we have compiled our INSTOCK INSTRUCTIONS — your 5 part skinwear routine, designed to get the most from your pieces.


When handling your skinwear, ensure your nails are smooth and all jewellery kept clear. Avoid any heavy creams or oils prior to pulling your tights on, as they can affect the longevity of the elastic.


Take a seat and gather your tights - holding them from the waistband gently gather each leg, keeping your thumbs inside until you reach the toe of your stockings. Slide one foot into your skinwear, keeping your toes pointed, up to your knees and follow with the other foot. 


Gently, pull your tights up your leg, while still keeping your thumbs inside your tights to avoid snagging. If you have long nails, avoid curling your thumbs inward when pulling them on, which can puncture the delicate mesh of the hosiery.

Carefully pull your skinwear all the way up until your waistband is in the correct position. Make any adjustments gently, if necessary, to get them perfectly aligned. If your skinwear feels twisted at all, or if you feel that too much material is concentrated in one spot, or the hosiery design looks uneven, take off the tights and repeat the process from the beginning - this time, ensuring to release the tight as evenly as possible as you pull it up your leg. Do not try to adjust by pinching the hosiery whilst on your body, as this risks snagging the yarn and damaging the tights.


Taking off your stockings with care is equally as important as pulling them on! Start at the top, gathering the tights in a downward motion with your thumbs (being careful not to curl your thumbnails inward) and roll them down gradually, without yanking. Lightly shake out to regain shape. 


We recommend hand-washing your tights in lukewarm water, every 5-6 wears or as needed. As with any delicate item, our stockings best maintain their fit and shape through air drying, out of direct sunlight.